Friday, August 31, 2007
whoosh..tests r finally over!!have been waitng 4 tis dae 2 come..haha..can relax now cos i am in holidae mood..but got lots of hmk:(so e one-week hols r actually not hlos at all:(haiz..must start revising liao...wish me luck!!!also want 2 wish all teachers a HAPPY TEACHERS' DAE!!:), which is 2dae of back 2 yzps wif yingmin n went around e sch...can still rmb e time when my sch was under renovation...coming back 2 see its new look once again..haha...then talked 2 my cl teacher 4 a short while:).didnt noe she can still rmb me...met some frens there..n bought a cute tortoise frm e bookshop:)souvenir mah...may not be going back 4 some time though.. been quite cca n class photos...quite kinda weird in em..hmm.n received cca t-shirt..finally:)got back chem test paper 2dae..did quite well:)did ok 4 some of e other papers..[muz not be complacent n always try ur best in evryting:)nvr give up:)]e wise words by huimin XP..but dunno why smtimes like very sad when i dun understand wat teacher talking abt, i feel like crying..emo or depression or wat??alwaes feel stressed in class..feel so sorry 4 sam..i mean some ppl dun cooperate wif him..n he muz be very worked up..but i feel tat his words r too harsh...i mean those 27 ppl r mostly e ones who cooperate wif him...tink it muz have hurt some ppl's feelings..dun tink he wanna do tat though..tink i did not really take e initiative 2 do some stuff la..but i will still try 2 follow his instructions n complete e stuff he want us 2 do...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007
chen su lan methodist children's home:)

Labels: cute n innocent children
Happy National Day!!:)
haha...time flies..s'pore's bdae holidaes here..gotta catch up soon!:))).Happy 42th bdae S'pore!;D
Labels: fireworks n holidaes
Cross country!!!:)

juz realised tat i am a bully, used grass 2 poke qianyi's face... ooops;P. did not get top 40..ahaha. not surprising cos i did not really run..walked most of e time..only raced at e last few metres..
Labels: running at bishan park
goodness...flunked my stupid phy test last fri...feel so angry n sad..i mean, tis is e end of yr..n e % is higher...if tis is e midyr...i wouldnt be so depressed..or maybe if i am not in my class, with smarties who claim tat they dun do well or tat they r extremely stuckup n being showoffs...but reality is cruel...face it man...sigh:((((n i am very scared, cos mrs ngiam may take out e qns which is wrong but i got it precious mark will be gone.GONE!!!which means i will have 45 instead of 48..congrats man...i dun rmb failing very drastically...phys some more..supposed 2 score better than bio...mow i am worried abt emaths...screwed some qns, n i dun have a gd feeling abt tis..went 2 chen su lan methodist children's home 4 cip...e kids r sooo cute n innocent:))theres tis girl called siew lian:), n she gave me a piece of her "masterpiece", which is actually a piece of paper wif words written by her:)).she's cute, n laughs alot...haha. i wrote 4 her some words 2..didnt prepare a nice present 4 her:(. feel so sorry 4 em..broken familes=shaterred innocent hearts, but they juz treat it like nothing thankful tat both my parents r i wish i am juz as innocent..n pretend nothing happened...n need not worry abt tests n tears n anguish over trival matters...sigh...
Labels: haiz...haiz...haiz....