Wednesday, November 28, 2007


went 2 e mandai crematorium yesterdae...4 e joint memorial service 4 e 5 dragonboaters...cos my parents' frens' son stephen passed away..yeah tats why i initialy didnt wan 2 talk abt it..can still rmb e last time i saw stephen 3 wks ago..when we went 2 their house...muscular n friendly..n seems quite close 2 their pet cat...cried a little there..cos i feel sorry 4 his family..
i feel tat tis event is God's will..i mean, i am not trying 2 be bias against any religion..but tats wat i tink..i ttink God says stephen's time on Earth is He took stephen might be becos the boaters did not wear lifejackets, causing e deaths of 5..but tats juz my i hope nobody will be offended after reading tis post..n tat stephen's family will be able 2 cope wif their loss..
n rmb, we muz also cherish our loved ones, juz like wat miss fu told us(e7) last yr


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