phew..back after a long time:D
yepp..i am out of a job once again:D..which means x)..cos i only need 2 work till cny i am not needed anymore..hahaxD
anyway..i really want 2 thank them 4 giving me tis opportunity 2 hav a taste of how being in e fnb industry is was really an eye opener 4 me..despite e fact tt i almost do e same old things..from cutting e charred bits off e bakkwa 2 stacking e bakkwa until very high..but seriously..i enjoyed being in e so-called warehouse..cos i dun need 2 deal wif customers..n it is more relaxing 4 me..even though i pity those who r super outside in e shop..n i tink e temp staff ppl there r nice..really..w/o them.i seriously will feel bored doing e same old thing over again..i will miss crapping wif them n getting into little trouble wif e full time staff(even though i am doing my work lol..but hey..i am not against tis ok..haha)..n i tink e perm full time ppl r nice..albeit a little bossy..(no offense)..oh is a really enriching experience haha:D my pay le..yayy..tis is wat i call hard earned $$ ppl..$$ is really hard 2 come pls do not anyhow splurge k;P..yep..time really flies..cny is over..wif ang bao $$ rolling in on top of my pay..n running from one place 2 another 4 visitations..or having 2 deal wif ppl coming 2 my house..yepp..n i didnt go back 2 zhss during cny..even though mrs ngiam asked me to..not tt i dun wan 2 go..i was too tired 2 go..cos tt time i hav 2 work 3pm to yepp..i was snoozing like a pig till abt 1pm..hahaxD
sigh..didnt get 2 go 4 4e1'08 chalet..cos i was working..n i wan 2 go 4 bbq..but argh..e supervisor didnt allow me 2 go off earlier>:(..n i dun wan 2 work morn shift(7am to 3pm)..cos i hav 2 sacrifice my morn sleep x(..oh well..n i heard mr poh treat us de..*sniff sniff* sad..forget it is over..
gotta go 4 cny dinner wif my family n frens..looking forward 2 it:D..n sigh..5 more daes 2 sch..ahhh..i am still in a holidae mood leh..oh no..wonder wat e future awaits me xP
group photos:D..even though some of my frens r not inside x(..(edit)thks wei lin 4 e photos:D

with one of e full time staff member:)

wif our supervisor:)

wei lin, me n joey:D..we r in e warehouse:P

midnite shift ppl xD(except 4 some of them..but majority r..lolxD)

morning shift ppl:D..haha..juz realised tt there r no photos of afternoon shift ppl(tt is me n some of us:D)..cos we dun hav camera X(..but it is ok..most impt thing is tt our frenships r forged:D..wonder if we r gonna hav any more outings besides e lunch at macs;D

anyway..i really want 2 thank them 4 giving me tis opportunity 2 hav a taste of how being in e fnb industry is was really an eye opener 4 me..despite e fact tt i almost do e same old things..from cutting e charred bits off e bakkwa 2 stacking e bakkwa until very high..but seriously..i enjoyed being in e so-called warehouse..cos i dun need 2 deal wif customers..n it is more relaxing 4 me..even though i pity those who r super outside in e shop..n i tink e temp staff ppl there r nice..really..w/o them.i seriously will feel bored doing e same old thing over again..i will miss crapping wif them n getting into little trouble wif e full time staff(even though i am doing my work lol..but hey..i am not against tis ok..haha)..n i tink e perm full time ppl r nice..albeit a little bossy..(no offense)..oh is a really enriching experience haha:D my pay le..yayy..tis is wat i call hard earned $$ ppl..$$ is really hard 2 come pls do not anyhow splurge k;P..yep..time really flies..cny is over..wif ang bao $$ rolling in on top of my pay..n running from one place 2 another 4 visitations..or having 2 deal wif ppl coming 2 my house..yepp..n i didnt go back 2 zhss during cny..even though mrs ngiam asked me to..not tt i dun wan 2 go..i was too tired 2 go..cos tt time i hav 2 work 3pm to yepp..i was snoozing like a pig till abt 1pm..hahaxD
sigh..didnt get 2 go 4 4e1'08 chalet..cos i was working..n i wan 2 go 4 bbq..but argh..e supervisor didnt allow me 2 go off earlier>:(..n i dun wan 2 work morn shift(7am to 3pm)..cos i hav 2 sacrifice my morn sleep x(..oh well..n i heard mr poh treat us de..*sniff sniff* sad..forget it is over..
gotta go 4 cny dinner wif my family n frens..looking forward 2 it:D..n sigh..5 more daes 2 sch..ahhh..i am still in a holidae mood leh..oh no..wonder wat e future awaits me xP
group photos:D..even though some of my frens r not inside x(..(edit)thks wei lin 4 e photos:D
with one of e full time staff member:)
wif our supervisor:)
wei lin, me n joey:D..we r in e warehouse:P
midnite shift ppl xD(except 4 some of them..but majority r..lolxD)
morning shift ppl:D..haha..juz realised tt there r no photos of afternoon shift ppl(tt is me n some of us:D)..cos we dun hav camera X(..but it is ok..most impt thing is tt our frenships r forged:D..wonder if we r gonna hav any more outings besides e lunch at macs;D
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