sigh..i miss my frens from 4e1'08 lo..juz post some random pics..
grad dae 08:D

actually..there were supposed 2 b more pics..but my fren has not sent me those pics till now..argh!!so..i only hav 2 pics..sigh..
anyway..more pics!!:D

hey girl..i will definitely miss e times tt we had 2gether..i tink we hav an affinity
wif each other..cos we managed 2 do lotsa stuff 2gether..i will rmb e happy times we had 2gether..thks 4 being such a patient n wonderful fren..esp when u hav 2 always tolerate my nonsense n lame jokes;)..i noe i hav crossed over e limit sometimes..i might even hav hurt u accidentally..but i juz wanna tell u its becos i treat u as my is why i am more willing 2 show most or all of my so called true self..cos i trusted u e most..we may hav taken diff paths..but i hope tt we can keep in contact..n mayb meet up somedae??n crap abt all e stuffs under e sun:D..i will rmb e times when u hav become crazy becos of me..joking wif me n such..i rmb e crazy stuffs tt we hav done 2gether..n e 1st dae of sch when u were e 1st new fren 2 talk 2 me;D
thk u once again..4 being wif me always..esp when i need u most:D:D:D..God bless:):)
grad dae 08:D
actually..there were supposed 2 b more pics..but my fren has not sent me those pics till now..argh!!so..i only hav 2 pics..sigh..
anyway..more pics!!:D

hey girl..i will definitely miss e times tt we had 2gether..i tink we hav an affinity
wif each other..cos we managed 2 do lotsa stuff 2gether..i will rmb e happy times we had 2gether..thks 4 being such a patient n wonderful fren..esp when u hav 2 always tolerate my nonsense n lame jokes;)..i noe i hav crossed over e limit sometimes..i might even hav hurt u accidentally..but i juz wanna tell u its becos i treat u as my is why i am more willing 2 show most or all of my so called true self..cos i trusted u e most..we may hav taken diff paths..but i hope tt we can keep in contact..n mayb meet up somedae??n crap abt all e stuffs under e sun:D..i will rmb e times when u hav become crazy becos of me..joking wif me n such..i rmb e crazy stuffs tt we hav done 2gether..n e 1st dae of sch when u were e 1st new fren 2 talk 2 me;D
thk u once again..4 being wif me always..esp when i need u most:D:D:D..God bless:):)
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