omg..super happy 2dae..cos i got 2 go back 2 zhss after like soo long!!:D..haha..den i saw my frens!!;D..was super high in sch..n i was crapping wif e tchers;)..oh..n they r havin tchers' dae dinner 2nite!!so jealous sia..xD..so most of them actually went home..n some also rushing 2 go back home..so sisnt really talk 2 them..but we r quite lucky 2 b able 2 see most of them:D:D..
aww..my tchers very cute leh..xD..haha..they r still as cheerful as ever..really made my dae sia=D..oh..n we wen tmacs 4 lunch after tt..so sweet 2 hav them ard;D..hope i can get 2 go back nxt yr!!;P..i miss my sec sch tchers soo much sia!!;D
anw some pics..enjoy!:D


my super caring n friendly geog tcher!!her concern still shows..which is great!!:D

my super enthu n caring phy tcher!!^^she really noes how 2 make phy lessons very interesting!!:D

my pretty n encouraging chinese tcher!!haha..deapite being very strict..she still wrote pretty long words of encouragement sometimes..n most of e time they r really unexpected!thks soo much!!:D

of course..how can i forget my macho n caring form tcher!!xD..i will seriously die 4 my maths w/o him sia!!;P
anw..to all my ex n current tchers out there..HAPPY TEACHER'S DAE!!^^(dunno if my tchers will see tis though..xD)
aww..my tchers very cute leh..xD..haha..they r still as cheerful as ever..really made my dae sia=D..oh..n we wen tmacs 4 lunch after tt..so sweet 2 hav them ard;D..hope i can get 2 go back nxt yr!!;P..i miss my sec sch tchers soo much sia!!;D
anw some pics..enjoy!:D
my super caring n friendly geog tcher!!her concern still shows..which is great!!:D
my super enthu n caring phy tcher!!^^she really noes how 2 make phy lessons very interesting!!:D
my pretty n encouraging chinese tcher!!haha..deapite being very strict..she still wrote pretty long words of encouragement sometimes..n most of e time they r really unexpected!thks soo much!!:D
of course..how can i forget my macho n caring form tcher!!xD..i will seriously die 4 my maths w/o him sia!!;P
anw..to all my ex n current tchers out there..HAPPY TEACHER'S DAE!!^^(dunno if my tchers will see tis though..xD)
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